1550 Caldwell Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 8M7

Ph: (613) 729-3242
Fax: (613) 729-6765
Supervisor: Beth Dewan
E-mail: beth.dewan@ottawa.ca

Mission and Philosophy

Recognizing that children’s experiences during their early years directly affect the quality of their lives, it is Esther By Day Care’s goal to meet children’s social, physical, intellectual and emotional needs. If children are to grow into responsive and responsible individuals, they first need to accept themselves as they are, regardless of developmental differences.

Through our support, assistance and direction they come to understand their potential and to gain the knowledge necessary to deal with life’ everyday experiences.

Esther By Childcare Centre has been developed as a supplement to the home environment. In this way, children find a place for themselves as members of the family, community and society of peers. The nature of this program provides for children’s ongoing growth and change.

Target Population

18 mos. to 4 years


All staff are Registered Early Childhood Educators


Esther By Day Care is a dedicated childcare facility.


Esther By is accessible by OC Transpo route 14

Days and Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday, full-days

Maximum Number of Children

  • 10 Toddlers
  • 24 Preschoolers

Child to Staff Ratio

  • 1.5 Toddlers
  • 1.8 Preschoolers

Services for Children

Esther By Child Care Centre incorporates programs which helps each child develop the skills needed to enter the school system with a strong sense of his or her own worth and abilities. Projects and activities are introduced in response to the children’s interests, and programmed to meet the social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs of the children.

To achieve these goals our program includes:

  • Indoor/outdoor free play activities which include music, art, drama, gross and fine motor skills
  • A child directed environment which promotes divergent thinking, decision making and self help skills
  • Circle time
  • Book Bag Program
  • Speech and Language development
  • Active Living Guidelines – provides the children with the appropriate time, instruction, equipment and environment to support the development of physical literacy
  • Healthy Eating Guidelines – promotes healthy eating by providing nutritious and safe foods in a supportive environment in accordance with the Day Nurseries Act and Canada’s Food Guide.
  • Hot lunch plus two snacks prepared on the premises by a full time cook, that meet all the children’s nutritional requirements

Services for Parents

  • Open house, Summer Fiesta, Winter Celebration, daily communication and an open door policy.