All Headstart programs in Ottawa strive to obtain:
Cohesion throughout the programs and consistency in the staff trainings that are provided. The Headstart programs specifically seek out trainings based on the needs of the current client population and pressures within the communities. All programs are lead by Registered Early Childhood Educators. The additional trainings that have been maintained by Headstart staff are as follows:
- Reaching In Reaching Out – is an evidence based resiliency skills training program that provides service providers working in early learning, community and mental health skills they need to model and teach resilience approaches to young children.
- Neufeld Institute – Making Sense of a Preschooler – Dr. Neufled’s attachment-based developmental approach provides a refreshing alternative to the current cognitive behavioural fare, as well as to the medical ‘disorder’ approach. Dr. Neufeld’s approach has clear and practical implications for practice and treatment, regardless of one’s arena of involvement
- Attachment and Trauma Treatment Centre for Healing – Attachment and Trauma Informed Practice – Individuals of all ages can experience trauma, including infants and children. Trauma is a sensory experience and regardless of the level of perceived intensity of effect on an individual, treatment promotes resilience later in life. Being Trauma informed will provide an understanding of Trauma, how it impacts the body, the mind, and behavior.
- The Hanen Centre – The Learning Language and Loving It Program was designed to provide early childhood educators with practical strategies for helping all children in the classroom build language and social skills, no matter what their learning and communication styles are, and even if they have special needs. The Learning Language and Loving It Program provides you with practical, research-based strategies.
Stimulating Programs for Children:
- Goal-oriented curriculum
- Language-centred programs
- Gross and fine motor skills
- Multi-choice activities
- Sensory areas – quiet and active
- Outdoor and indoor activity areas
- Gardening area
- Quiet area
- Focus on self-esteem
Active Parental Involvement:
- Sitting areas for parents
- Parenting groups
- Newsletter
- Board Memberships
Appropriate Consultations:
- Home visits
- Individual program plans
- Speech and language assessments and consultation
- Consultations with community agencies
Special Services:
- Nutritious menus – to provide a significant portion of the children’s daily needs
- Transportation to and from school
- Field trips